Quote of the Week

"Family means putting your arms around each other and being there"

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Birthday Party..(UP: Bini Dullah)

guys... next week 8th may, thursday.. dengan berkat mlm jumaat ada org kan belanja tani bbq!!! Lamb Legs 4 paha!!! pls... hahhaaha ia birthday... bah sebelum atu... tani wish ia happy advance birthday lah ah... sama thank him for da lamb legs... sama bbq chix! ok tu Bini Dullah? bah ok ah? dmana? selayun? bah... ok tu... pukul berapa? lps isya? bah ok..!! thanxxxxxx alootttttt!!!

bah Bini Dullah... jadi? on? hehhehehhe

Mother's Day 2008

Mother's day is on the 11th May, 2008. So... guys! any plan? it's on sunday btw.. mcm ada doa selamat kah? ada party kah? apa kah? ada org belanja makan kah? ehehhe

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mother's Day Special! VS Secret Garden Beauty Set - $110

8.4 oz Exhilarating Body Wash
6.7 oz Ultra-Moisturizing Hand & Body Cream
8.4 oz Hydrating Body Lotion
8.4 oz Ultra-Softening Body Butter
8.4 oz Sumptuous Bath Bubbles
7 oz Stimulating Body Scrub

Available scents:
Love Spell
Pure Seduction
Sweet DayDream (New!)
Amber Romance
Strawberries & Champagne
Pear Glace

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The NEW Kit 08/09

DUTj v 2.05


The 08/09 Daniew Unya Team P-Shirt is now available to pre-order from the Official Online Store. Don't miss out and get yours now!

Nini - nini, uncles and aunties , boys and girls, as you pre-order your P-shirt, please also provide me your size shirt, as we are going to produce this P-shirt in bulks, its cheaper!, this excludes additional names on your P-shirt.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ratib Al-Attas

there will be another majlis on Ratib Al-Attas which will be held next month @ mak long's house.. date will be informed nanti... k thanx

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Introducing... Ms Daniewww.....!!!!!

hahahahah ani tah ni usulnya c daniewwww biniiiiiiiiii!!! woahahaaahah.. masappp... masappppp.. bah selamat ketawa tebahak2.. ahak.. ahak.. ahak!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Solat Jemaah Maghrib&Isya, Ratib Al-Attas & Doa Selamat

You are all invited to Solat jemaah maghrib & Isya... follow by the ratib al-attas after maghrib Then Solat Isya n doa selamat on:

Day: Thursday
Date: 17th April, 2008
Venue: Restoran Nini Babu, Sengkurong
Time: 630pm


- Tiramisu pls... faham2 lah ah.. ehem.. thank you.. ;)
- Curry fish.. ada tu org nyaman memasak kari ikan... sia-sia pun.. kpd cucu2 or anak2 nya.. pls inform kepada org yg dmaksudkan... thanx :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The island trip was MaximOUS FabulOUS!!

lawa kan? bulih buat poster ni...

DUT ADMIN Vs Kimsta10

@ the beach

DUT ADMIN with MiLin

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Latest News!

With Selawat Junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, i declare that Babu Pg Hjh Rafiah will be discharged tommorrow, insyaallah.. hehehehehe Thank You... ;P

New Polo-Shirt Season 08/09

Dear DUTians,

DUT 10 would like to inform you that there will be a new DUT wear for season 08/09.
But before that i would like to get feed back from you all DUTians on the design, kalau ada kan di tambah atau kan dikurangkan or tukar. Yang penting DUGGED!!! here it is ..........

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


alhamdulillah... babu sudah selamat menjalani pembedahan pembuangan batu... byk batunya yo!!! nanti upload gambarnya ok.. thats all for 2day... thank you

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Family Info!

This is to inform you that babu Pg Hjh Rafiah betahan @ ward 7 bed no 22 but ia home leave kali ni lps jumpa Dr bius (which is balum confirm!).. n she'll be back @ 7am tommorrow morning. thanx

Babu home leave.. bisuk ia balik ke hospital kul 7 pagi.. ia operation inda tau pukul brapa.. tapinya turnnya yg kedua.. ok